Community Mental Health Resources
- Mental Health & Addiction Treatment Services | Connex Ontario(Connecting you with the earliest available treatment centers, detox facilities, mental health institutions, and any other programs you may be seeking).
- The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health | CAMH CAMH is Canada’s largest mental health and addiction teaching hospital, as well as one of the world’s leading research centres in the area of addiction and mental health. CAMH combines clinical care, research, education, policy development and health promotion to help transform the lives of people affected by mental health and addiction issues.
12-Step Recovery Resources
- 12 Steps in 4 Hours Group - 12 Step recovery from cocaine and all other mind-altering substances since May 27, 2007 ( (Concise Workbook Guide to the 12 Steps of Recovery)
- 4-hour-12-steps ( of the 12 steps of recovery in 4 hours)
Detox Centres Located in GTA
- St Joseph’s Health Centre - Glendale Withdrawal Management Centre | 211 Central (416 530 6400)
- St Mike’s Detox Centre Toronto (416 864-5078)
- CAMH self-referral detox centre in Toronto (call 416-535-8501 and press 2)
- The York Regional Withdrawl Management Centre